Corpa Grade C
Avability : In Stock
Looking for a cost-effective source of copra for your coconut oil production? Consider using our low-grade copra. While our low-grade copra may not have the same level of quality as premium copra, it's still a versatile ingredient that can be used to create a range of different coconut oil products. Whether you're looking to make refined coconut oil, cold-pressed coconut oil, or even raw coconut oil, our low-grade copra can get the job done. One of the benefits of using our low-grade copra is that it's more affordable than premium copra. This makes it a great option for companies that want to keep their costs down without sacrificing quality. And while our low-grade copra may not be as flavorful or aromatic as premium copra, it still has many of the same beneficial properties that make coconut oil such a popular ingredient. So if you're looking for a cost-effective source of copra for your coconut oil production, consider using our low-grade copra. With its versatility, affordability, and high quality, it's the perfect ingredient for companies that want to make the most of their coconut oil production.
Origin North Maluku
Grade Grade C
Treatment Sun drying process
Description Looking for a cost-effective source of copra for your coconut oil production? Consider using our low-grade copra. While our low-grade copra may not have the same level of quality as premium copra, it's still a versatile ingredient that can be used to create a range of different coconut oil products. Whether you're looking to make refined coconut oil, cold-pressed coconut oil, or even raw coconut oil, our low-grade copra can get the job done. One of the benefits of using our low-grade copra is that it's more affordable than premium copra. This makes it a great option for companies that want to keep their costs down without sacrificing quality. And while our low-grade copra may not be as flavorful or aromatic as premium copra, it still has many of the same beneficial properties that make coconut oil such a popular ingredient. So if you're looking for a cost-effective source of copra for your coconut oil production, consider using our low-grade copra. With its versatility, affordability, and high quality, it's the perfect ingredient for companies that want to make the most of their coconut oil production.
Packaging Plastic bag

HAMPTON recognizes that Indonesia's problem is the existence of large numbers of people whose livelihoods depend on agriculture, yet smallholder farmers are often "locked out" from more lucrative markets such as exports, due to a lack of economies of scale and low market awareness. Hence, HAMPTON supports the smallholder farmers in the production of competitive agricultural products so that the product can compete in the world market.

HAMPTON doesn't rely too much on one planting area, because our suppliers are spread throughout Indonesia. This allows the company to secure supplies to its customers at any time. Through continuous supply, we help customer to obtain their raw materials. HAMPTON also offers the distribution and shipping process solution i.e. transport, storage, logistics, inventory management, and control.

1. Animal feed

2. Coconut oil

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