In collaboration with PT. Hampton Berkarya Muda, Bolaang Mongondow (Bolmong) Regent Yasti Soepredjo Mokoagow officially released the first export of nutmeg commodities.

The export of these commodities is carried out by PT. Hampton Muda Berkarya was released by Bolmong Regent, Yasti Soepredjo Mokoagow, Wednesday, September 8, 2021.

Bolmong Regent Yasti Soepredjo Mokoagow fully supports the export of these commodities.

“The latent problem of our agricultural and plantation products so far is due to the limited availability of demand and the market. So commodity prices tend to be uncompetitive. In the end, it is difficult for farmers to prosper because the selling price is not commensurate with the production costs,” said the Regent.

The Regent also added that the existence of exporters is a strategic bridge for Bolaang Mongondow's superior products with foreign markets. This can encourage regional economic growth as well as improve people's welfare.

"In the future, we hope that the export volume can increase because the availability of nutmeg in this area is very large and for the other potential agricultural products," said the Regent.

Anggit Nasution, President Director of PT Hampton Muda Berkarya, said the export was carried out after conducting a lengthy survey regarding the availability of goods and their quality specifications.

"This is our first export from Bolaang Mongondow. This is only the early stages. In the future, we will increase the volume because the supply from Bolmong is large and the demand abroad is very large," said Anggit.