Black coffee is one type of coffee that is in great demand by coffee fans. Besides being able to withstand sleepiness, black coffee also has health benefits. Reporting from Antara, here are five benefits of drinking black coffee regularly:

1. Maintain heart health

Regular drinking of black coffee has been linked to prevention of liver cancer, fatty liver disease, hepatitis and alcoholic cirrhosis.

2. Improve memory

A cup of black coffee in the morning can increase your attention and keep your mind at its optimal speed. Over the years drinking coffee has been associated with a reduced risk of developing Parkinson's disease. In fact, a 1968 study found that coffee drinkers were less likely to develop Parkinson's.

3. Rich in antioxidants

Coffee has antioxidants such as potassium, magnesium, Vitamins B2, B3 and B5.

4. Better exercise results

Black coffee can improve your performance in the gym. It is useful in helping to break down fat and release it in the bloodstream as fatty acids, which can be used as fuel for the body.

5. Lose weight

Black coffee can increase your metabolism by up to 50 percent and help burn fat. It also reduces the water content in the body.